

Friday, January 20, 2017

Be Brave

Today is a scary day for many. It should be a day that we celebrate our country and be proud of who we elected as our leader. For me, and for most of the people I surround myself with, it is not that kind of day. It's a day that is filled with dread and fear. It is a day that feels like a bad dream that we are all hoping to wake up from. Only, it's not just a's reality and it's pretty fucking scary.

As a woman and an immigrant, but most importantly as a human being, I am in disbelief. How did we get here? Why are we here? How can we fix this and move forward stronger and wiser?

For all of the people who have come before us to fight for our rights, for all of the people who have stood up to injustice, intolerance and hate... I am sorry that we have taken what you have fought so hard for and taken a million steps backwards.

To anyone, today and any day, that are living in fear because you are "different"... different race, different religion, different sexual preference, different ability, different whatever it may be, I want you to know that you are not alone. There are others in this world who see this hate and who will stand together with you. I am one of those people.

And it's not just us as individuals that are being threatened. It's our schools and educational system. It's our environment. It's our forward progress in science. The list, sadly, is endless. Every day I read something and I just shake my head. Is this really happening? Do these people really honestly believe all the bullshit they tell themselves? Do facts even matter anymore?

If they can make up stuff and put it out into the world, then I can say what I want too. Except, the difference between us, is that the message I will spread is one of hope, love, truth, and equality. I won't stop trying to spread that light.

There are so many unanswered questions about where we are headed from here and although it's scary, I have to hold onto hope. Hope that as a nation, we will see the error of our ways and fight even harder for equality for all. I have to have hope because without hope, there is nothing.

Get involved. Volunteer. Protest (peacefully). Open your heart to others who need it. Share your love with those who are hurting or are afraid. We have to be the change that we want to see. We have to take this fear and turn it into something good and powerful. We have the power, it's up to us to use it. Be brave. Have courage.

No one gets to tell you that it's not okay to be upset. As the ever wise Bob Marley said "Get up, stand up, stand up for your right"

Hate, ignorance and intolerance have no place here.


  1. I agree completely, and this reminds me of one of my favorite quotations from President John F. Kennedy: "One person can make a difference, and everyone should try."

  2. I love that quote! Thanks for sharing! It's so very true.
